exercise leg pain strength

Legs Feeling Weak Or Achey? How Balancing Can Help Your Legs Get Stronger

If your legs feel weak, or achey, here’s a solution for you. We were built for movement and when we don’t move enough – when we spend too much time in a chair or car – our leg muscles get out of balance and lose strength.  Balance and strength occur when we use our legs. When we use […]

back ache back pain exercise posture strength

Strengthen Your Torso – Stretching To Get A Strong Straight Painfree Body

Here’s an easy, simple strengthening strategy to get long, strong torso muscles. We often fall into the habit of having a weak, collapsed forward posture.  This simple strengthening tip will help you get tall, straight and strong. You can do this sitting and do this on your back in bed or on the floor. Lift your arms over […]

back pain exercise headaches posture

Easier, Safer Ways To Get Strong Abs Instead of Doing Sit-Ups

A physical therapist told me that the best way to strengthen abdominal muscles was just to “suck in your stomach and hold it,” several times.  And that does work, but when we want strong and flat abdominal muscles, we often think of sit-ups. Here are a few reasons why sit-ups may not be the exercise-of-choice […]

back ache back pain pain posture

Pain Between Your Shoulder Blades? How To Get Rid Of Shoulder Blade Pain

If I were to ask you what causes the pain between your shoulder blades, what would you say? Would you tell me the cause was stress? Overwork? Old age? Arthritis? Or coming from your nerves or bones? Would you be surprised if I told you that the cause was most likely…in most cases…muscles? But not […]

hip pain leg pain pain

Hip Pain – Can It Be Helped With Strengthening Or Is It Arthritis?

If a doctor looked at an x-ray of any one of us, he or she would say, “Oh, you have arthritis.” When the doctor can see bony changes in an x-ray, the assumption is that’s the reason for our hip pain as well as any other complaints we have. Well, maybe.  Maybe not. We all […]

back pain head pain headaches migraines posture strength

Does Exercise Get Rid of Migraines?

Is it actually possible that exercise can help get rid of your migraine headaches? Yes, in many ways. Often the muscles on the tops of your shoulders, the front and the back of your neck, and your jaw get tight. They get tight because we are out of balance, muscularly.  We can often blame this on […]

back pain posture strength

Got Back Pain? Causes for the Pain in Your Back

Does your back hurt now more than it used to? Do you have back pain between your shoulder blades?  Is the pain more on your dominant side? Or, is it more lower back pain and/or your neck? There are many possible causes for back pain and muscles are the usual culprit!  Honest!  Muscles! That’s good news, because […]

back pain headaches posture strength

How Many Repetitions Should I Do For A New Movement Program?

After you have been in your exercise or movement program for a while, knowing how many repetitions of an exercise or movement you should do will become second nature to you. You will feel good when your muscles are moving in the correct ways. You will do the movements often, because it feels good.  You will be able to […]

leg pain pain posture strength

Simple Strengthening Tip #4 – Shin Muscles

Shins?  Why on earth would you need to have strong shins muscles?  Here’s why. 1.  Strong shin muscles create balance between your strong calves and the front of your lower leg. 2.  They help prevent charley-horses, or cramps, in your calves. 3.   They help create balanced posture.  A balanced body has less pain. 4.   And, I […]

back pain head pain headaches migraines pain posture strength

What Causes Muscle Strain and Muscle Pain in Your Back?

If your muscles get out of balance – some too tense or tight, and others too loose or flacid – it is easy to have muscle strain. Here is an example.  You may recognize this pain that lots of us experience:  The one on your back, between your spine and your shoulder blade.  If you are right-handed, […]

back pain pain posture strength

Simple Strengthening Tip #3 for Upper Back Pain Relief

There is a reason for your upper back pain. Most of the time we hold our shoulders in a forward position.  Our head and shoulders are in front of our body during virtually all of our activities. As a result, the muscles in our back get overstretched.  Then those muscles hurt and complain.  They don’t like being overstretched. Strengthening […]

exercise posture strength

Simple Strengthening Tip #2 – Pumping to Strengthen Your Backside

The first time I watched an exercise video that used small pumping movements I thought, “Ha! That won’t do anything.” I tried it and as I followed along, I thought, “Ha! This isn’t doing anything.” I was wrong.  So very, very wrong. I was so sore the next day.  Those simple little pumping movements create […]

back pain pain posture strength

Simple Strengthening Tip #1 – Neck Pain Relief

Do you have neck pain? There are many causes for neck pain, but here is a very common cause and a simple strengthening solution. Often our heads get “stuck” in a forward position.  This happens because of the way we hold our head for long periods.  The muscles both in front and in back of our necks can […]

back pain pain posture strength

Simple Strengthening for Your Shoulders to Relieve Shoulder Pain

All day long we are very often stuck in one position.  Our shoulders get tired and ache. If we are a new mom, the position we are stuck in might be holding our baby.  If we work at a desk, it could be leaning over the desk.  If we are a mechanic or line worker or cook, it is […]

strength visualization

Can Your Mind Make Your Body Strong?

I had a client who was paralyzed.  All Gloria could do was talk and eat when someone gave food to her. But, boy, could she ever visualize! She would actually visualize herself exercising so well that she would make her muscles ache. When I would see her, she would say, “Oh, I am so sore.  […]
