exercise muscle pain posture

Movements to Relieve Shoulder Pain and Arm Pain

You can get pain in your shoulders, arms and hands when the muscles around your shoulders are “out of balance.”  That means some areas of muscle are “tighter” than they should be and some areas are weaker. That is what causes pain. This video will show you two simple movements that you can do to […]

back pain

Avoid Back Pain By Skipping Sit-Ups And Crunches

If you have back pain, you’ve probably heard that you should do sit-ups.  While strong abdominal (stomach) muscles are good, sit-ups can be not so good.  Here’s why: Your abdomen is basically the “front of your back.”  Some of the muscles that attach to your spine are actually accessible through your soft abdomen by a […]

back ache back pain pain posture

Pain Between Your Shoulder Blades? How To Get Rid Of Shoulder Blade Pain

If I were to ask you what causes the pain between your shoulder blades, what would you say? Would you tell me the cause was stress? Overwork? Old age? Arthritis? Or coming from your nerves or bones? Would you be surprised if I told you that the cause was most likely…in most cases…muscles? But not […]
