back pain head pain headaches migraines posture strength

Does Exercise Get Rid of Migraines?

Is it actually possible that exercise can help get rid of your migraine headaches?

Yes, in many ways.

Often the muscles on the tops of your shoulders, the front and the back of your neck, and your jaw get tight.

They get tight because we are out of balance, muscularly.  We can often blame this on our chairs, car seats, couches and work positions.

Sometimes we can blame it on the way we are built, if we stand a certain way to hide parts of our bodies.

All those things can add up to poor posture for us, and poor posture with our head forward definitely is a major cause of head pain and migraine headaches.

So where does exercise come in?

If you strengthen the muscles in back of your neck, shoulders, back, glutes (butt), and thighs, you can develop the good posture that you had when you were little.

When we are upright, strong and straight, with good posture, we have much less head pain.  There is less strain on our necks and heads, fewer tight muscles around our shoulders and less pain!

As a bonus, you will feel better all over.  Your whole body will function better, and you will have less pain in your back.

Here is something else to consider which affects 1 in 10 of us.  A short leg.

According to a study by the U.S. Armed Forces, 1 out of 10 of us has a short leg.  When people with a short leg of 1/8″ or more walk, it causes a rotation in our neck muscles near our head.

This rotational pulling causes migraines.

If you notice that one pant leg always needs to be hemmed, or if you sense that you are rotating, get it checked out.  It’s very easy to correct by getting a special lift in the shoe of your short leg.

You’ll find lots of information right here to help you get straight and strong.

You deserve to feel better, and you can feel better.

Which step will you take first to get a strong back side?

Find more help at Amazon in the book I wrote just for you (and me):  Head Pain Natural Relief.   It has virtually all of the possible causes of headaches and migraines along with natural self-help techniques and information to help you kick your head pain to the curb.

If you hate headaches as much as I did, get Head Pain Natural Relief now.  I recommend the soft cover so you can mark it up and use it, not just read it.
