exercise posture strength

Tai Chi Improves Balance & Strength

Tai Chi can help you get stronger and have better balance. There are differences between yoga and Tai Chi, but both are beneficial.


Tai Chi (pronounced ti chee) can make you strong and improve your balance.  How?  And what is Tai Chi anyway?

Tai Chi is a movement program which is done standing.  It uses all of the muscles in your lower body and legs (your leg muscles attach to your spine.)  The movements are slow and continuous.  You lean and sway and balance in a variety of positions.

All of this leaning and swaying causes you to use more of your muscles than you usually do.

When you were a small child, you used all of your muscles.  But, then you grew up.  And, now?  Most of us use only the same 60 or so (out of 600!) muscles everyday.  Only 10%.  Not so good.

But, Tai Chi causes you to use most of those lower body muscles again.

During the movement, your arms and upper body are also involved.  While your legs are doing one thing, your arms do another as part of the whole movement.  Your whole body becomes involved.

All of this slow, thoughtful movement creates whole body balance and strength.

Tai Chi is different from yoga.

Yoga does a lot of stretching and full range-of-movement and also uses floor and seated positions besides standing.  Yoga involves more of your body.

Tai Chi builds lower body strength as well as balance.  That’s why it’s so beneficial for older folks and those who have lost strength or are wobbly on their feet.  Many doctors recommend Tai Chi to older patients.

My only wish is that people would start practicing Tai Chi before they need it.  That would prevent a lot of “old age” complaints.  Old age complaints tend to be caused by poor or collapsing posture.

Yoga, and the movements here at Simple Strengthening, will help you correct your posture.

Tai Chi will help you keep or regain your balance and lower body strength.  That will help you prevent injuries from falling, make it easier to get up from chairs, and stay younger longer.


2 replies on “Tai Chi Improves Balance & Strength”

Hi Kathryn,

I enjoyed this post and would like to know if you recommend a DVD for Tai Chi?


Hi Ellene,

Thank you for the good question and I apologize for my long delay. I don’t have a specific video that I recommend but I would suggest going to the library and checking out their videos. When you find one you like, that would be the one to purchase. And you might find classes at your local recreation department or adult education.


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