exercise strength

Easy Way To Get Strong Abs

Strong abdominal muscles help you stay tall and have good posture.  That’s a really good thing because poor, collapsed posture causes heaps and heaps of problems and pain.

When your back muscles and abdominal muscles (your ‘core’) are not strong enough to hold you up, you end up with forward head posture also called collapsed posture.  That creates the posture of  ‘old age.’

You see, a lot of the problems of old age are caused by losing the fight to gravity.  Gravity wins.  Boo!

Bodies like to have long, strong muscles.  Not short, tight–long, strong is what they like.

Here are a couple of easy ways to strengthen your core muscles in a way that will help them be long and strong:

1.  Lay on your back.  Place your arms up and back so you feel long.  Now squeeze your belly button to your spine and hold the squeeze.  Easiest to do on an empty stomach.

You can do this same movement while sitting on a flat chair and squeezing your belly button to your spine while reaching for the ceiling.

2.  During the work day, sit up in a chair.  Lift the crown of your head toward the ceiling.  Feel how that lengthened your whole sitting posture?  Again, hold in your stomach muscles.

You can do these movements 4 or 5 times each day.  As your muscles get stronger, it will get easier and you can do them even more often.

It may feel a little strange at first but soon you notice your body saying:  “Hey, that feels good!  Let’s do it again!”

It’s really is that easy to get strong abdominal muscles and feel better all over.


2 replies on “Easy Way To Get Strong Abs”

This stretching exercise while laying in bed or sitting in a chair, to strengthen abdominal muscles is terrific, when physically incapacitated. Thank you.

Hi Steph, Thank you and I’m glad you found this article. Long, strong muscles are what we want. Well, actually, it’s what our bodies want. 🙂 I’m glad to help you strengthen your abdominals!

The Pain Relief Coach

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